With the help of Email Profit Academy , discover how you can build a lucrative and sustainable Affiliate Email Marketing business by simply spending just an hour a day.

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Step By Step Guide:

The #1 problem people face with Affiliate Email Marketing is the Technical jargons and complicated set ups. And guess what? They give up halfway. With Shawn's easy-to-follow guide, we'll walk you through every single step, from finding your niche to setting up your Affiliate Email Marketing business with you. So you can just focus on running your business hassle free.

Convenient - Just 1 hour a day:

Life is busy, we get it. That's why our clients succeed with our help. Most of them didn’t believe they could do it while having a full time job! Whether you're squeezing in study time during your lunch break or catching up after the kids are asleep, our program fits into YOUR schedule. No stress, just easy learning and running this business on your terms.

Sustainable Business:

We're not about quick fixes or flash-in-the-pan success. Shawn's formula is all about building a solid, sustainable business that grows and thrives over time. C’mon, you only need an hour a day for this. With our proven and effective strategies, we will teach you how to do it on your own. The best part? Your business runs 24/7 and you can make money while you’re sleeping!

With Our Help:

Not sure if you’re up for it or worry about the risk? You're not in this alone. When you join Shawn's program, you're joining a supportive community of like-minded folks who've got your back. Have a question? Need some advice? Book a demo call with us. IT IS FREE. If you don’t like what you hear, feel free to walk away with some great tips that our experts tailored for you.

Clients who joined Email Profit Academy

Four Millionaires Have Emerged, And Many Others Have Ditched Their Full-Time Jobs After Graduating From Email Profit Academy

Follow Joshua Ong's Journey To $500k In One Year As An Ex Full-Time Nurse!

Follow Dan Khan's Journey To $100k/Month As A University Dropout!

Follow Matthew Tang's Journey To Clickbank Platinum As A University Graduate!

Follow Yonah Li's Journey To Clickbank Platinum As A University Graduate!

Follow Macus's Journey To $12,000/Month As A School Teacher!

Cliff Made Over $10,000 As A 67/year Old Retired

Carlos Made $243.92 In One Day As A Truck Driver!

Raffy's Testimonial

Written Testimonials

"I recently graduated about three and a half months ago, and the results are truly transformational, it's massive! I joined Shawn's Programme and I made over $1.5k in just a single month. The system works, the mentorship works, Shawn is the real deal, and it's really up to you - if today you're able to make three or four thousand dollars extra, how would that change our life? By just joining, making that desision, you'll definitely change your life."

Undergraduate making US$1.5k/month after 3 months

"I just want to give a big shout out and really heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Shawn. I've been working with him now for just over two weeks, since the initial starting on the course and entering his mentorship a week later, and just really wanted to send my appreciation as it's been an amazing week. Just over $484 in one week and one day, and in the region of around 930 subs-couldn't have done it without him, he's just given me a ready-made business, he guided me through the steps, and the encouragement of him and the group has been amazing. I just really wanted to give my appreciation to Shawn - thank you for everything you've done. You've been a brilliant mentor and I look forward to continuing the success and the journey alongside you."

Computer Engineer who has made US$484 in just 1 week

"I just want to do a quick shout out to Shawn, my mentor. My goal in the past was just to get $500 per week, which gradually increased so much that now I've made $1k per week over two consecutive weeks. For that, I need to say THANK YOU to Shawn for constantly motivating us and to always getting us on track, and for helping me to reach this incredible win. Thank you, Shawn, for persevering and helping me get to where I am now!."

School Teacher generating US$3.2K/month after 7 months

Want To Start Your Journey With Email Profit Academy With Us?

Here’s what our clients have to say about Email Profit Academy

**The results you see on this page are not typical, Shawn Josiah and his students are professional Email Affiliate Marketers. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.**

A Quick Overview Of The Process

Email Profit Academy is designed for:
✅Professional working adults in a 8-5 or 9-6 job
✅Business owners

Our expertise lies in creating effective Email Marketing Business that eliminates the complicated set up processes and tedious outsourcing and building an effective online business for you that delivers consistency and predictability for the business.

We help our clients master their email marketing business and make profits to get them to make money WITHOUT being bound to working from anywhere. Most clients find it effortlessly easy to start their email marketing business in just 5 days with us and start seeing results within the first 30-60 days!

STEP ONE: Finding The Right Niche

The #1 mistake we see with clients is trying to run an email marketing business with no foundation. Most important thing to a solid foundation? FIND A PROFITABLE NICHE. A profitable niche means a validated offer and repeatable sales process. This is what makes your business sustainable and successful in the long term.

STEP TWO: Effectively Grow And Nurture Your Subscribers

To make a consistent income through emails, you must cultivate a robust email list of genuinely interested subscribers. Nurturing your list is the secret for a high conversion rate. We teach you how to do it with our PROVEN value gift and keep your conversion high 24/7.

STEP THREE: Capture Page

What’s next after knowing how to nurture your list subscribers? AKA how long does it take to generate profits from your email list? The opportunity cost of having no sales from an email list when they are warm is HUGE. Our Email Profit Academy teaches you everything Shawn masters to making $100k/month solo, so you can make that kind of money as quickly as possible. Secret to making sure traffic goes into your Email List? The Capture Page.

STEP FOUR: Determine Your Traffic Source

Most Email Affiliate Marketers get excited about nurturing their list and trying out various capture pages, but they failed to see that Traffic Source is important, because that’s where your leads come from. High quality leads = higher chances of conversion = more money to be made! Poor leads = waste of time AND waste of money! We teach you how to spot the GOOD ones and you can thank us later.

STEP FIVE: Email AutoResponders

Ever wondered how people make money while sleeping? In this part of the training, autoresponders are your best friend. They

- Automate Email Sequences, Ensuring Consistent Engagement With Subscribers.

- Help You Save Time By Sending Emails Automatically, Allowing You To Focus On Other Tasks (like sleeping, hey it’s important too).

- Facilitate Scaling Email Efforts As Your List Grows, Maintaining Quality and Personalization.

We will teach you how to bo all of that with our proven methods.

STEP SIX: Finding A Right Product

Just like running a brick and mortar business, finding the RIGHT product will save you LOTSA time and effort AND money. You don’t want to invest a ton of money on a product that guarantees you 50-70% refunds. We are going to show you how you can pick a profitable product with Shawn’s proven strategy.

STEP SEVEN: Scaling Up

By this point, your Email Affiliate Marketing business is on autopilot. But if you want to transition into being a real CEO of your business, you’ll need to focus on the systems that keep the machine humming. Tracking dashboards, product performances, conversion rates, etc. Making data-driven decisions and daily sales becomes HIGHLY PREDICTABLE. This is how you scale to a high 7-figure or even 8-figure a year.

Schedule Demo To Find Out How We Can Help You Scale Your Affiliate Email Marketing Business